Vive Travels

Guatemala Tikal Tour

This is a circuit that will allow you to discover the Mayan ruins excavated at Tikal National Park, declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO, and Yaxha in this journey of 2 days from Flores. An experienced guide will accompany the signiícativos archaeological sites in northern Guatemala, where you can see the striking pyramids, ball courts and temples. Visit the Central Acropolis Tikal and more on the first day and the second day exploring pass Yaxha, a Mayan ceremonial center classic overlooking the Yaxha and Sacnab lakes.


  • Day 1: Arrival in Guatemala

    Cultural Walk Antigua: know the Central Plaza, the Palace of the Captain Generals, the Cathedral, La Calle del Arco, the Church and Convent of Mercy, if it’s open: the Society of Jesus, the Crafts Market front to Ruinas del Carmen and Jade and Silver factory. Accommodation in Antigua.

  • Day 2: Tikal National Park

    03:30 am Transfer from Antigua to the airport to take flight to Tikal. 4:30 a.m. Register in the information section. 06:30 AM Flight to Flores. 07:10 am Registration at Hotel Tikal Inn. 9:00 a.m. Guided Tour 4 hours.

    spectacular Mayan temples protected by the lush rainforest astonish the visitor. The exquisite architecture of the Maya Classic Period can be admired in their full splendor. The roar of howler monkeys, birds singing and the troops of spider monkeys will welcome this heavenly place. To discover fully the magic of this place, one day will not be enough.

    1:00 pm Lunch at the hotel (drinks not included) 2:00 pm Visit to the museum without a guide and free time restaurant. Overnight at Tikal Inn Hotel (located one block from the park).

  • Day 3: Lake Atitlan

    4:30 a.m. Dawn above the Temple IV accompanied by guide and entrance 07:00 am Breakfast and rest of the morning off. 15:30 hrs. Transportation Tikal/Flores Airport, the rest of the afternoon off. Accommodation in Flores.

  • Day 4: Yaxha and Topoxté

    9:00 am Departure to the archaeological site of Yaxha. The Yaxha National Park is considered the ‘best kept secret of the Mundo Maya’, comprising a total area of 37,160 ha and is part of the Maya Biosphere Reserve. The site has more than five hundred structures, including forty stelae, thirteen altars nine pyramids, two golf ball game and a network of roads that connect the Central Acropolis, North and East. 3:30 pm Departure Airport Flores. 4:30 pm Start approach. 6:30 pm flight from Flores to Guatemala 7:15 pm Arrival in Guatemala and transfer to the hotel. Accommodation in Guatemala City.

  • Day 5: Back to Home

    At the appointed time; transfer from your hotel in Guatemala City International Airport for the flight back home.


Not Included

Important notes