Vive Travels

Guatemala Express Tours

This is a circuit where you can get to know the best of Guatemala in 4 days. The beauty of its main attractions as they are: Antigua, the Pacaya volcano and the beautiful Lake Atitlán which owes its greatness to its enormous size and its spectacular volcanic environment.


  • Day 1: Reception At La Aurora International Airport And Transfer To Antigua Guatemala.

    Reception at the International Airport La Aurora and transfer to Antigua Guatemala. Cultural walk through Antigua: You will get to know the Central Square, the Palace of the General Captains, the Cathedral, the Street of the Arch, the Church and Convent of La Merced, if it is open: The company of Jesus, the Handicraft Market in front of the Ruins del Carmen and a Jade and Plata factory. Accommodation in Antigua.

  • Day 2: Tour to the Pacaya Volcano

    Probably the most known and promoted volcano in Guatemala that never ceases to impress its visitors. Because it is in constant eruptive activity, its morphology changes constantly which ensures that the visit experience is always different. During its ascent you have impressive views towards other volcanoes such as Agua, Fuego, Acatenango. (You can not get to the crater of the volcano because of the emissions from the fumaroles and the activity of the volcano) Two daily departures: From 6:00 a.m. at 1:00 p.m. or 2:00 p.m. at 9:00 p.m. Return to Antigua. Arrival at your hotel. Accommodation in Antigua.

  • Day 3: Lake Atitlan

    This lake is considered one of the most beautiful lakes in the world, it is surrounded by three impressive volcanoes and picturesque indigenous villages of Mayan origin such as San Juan La Laguna and Santiago Atitlán. This is the ideal place to experience the surprising fusion between the Mayan worldview and the Catholic faith. Boat tour visiting the 3 towns around the Lake: San Juan La Laguna, San Pedro La Laguna and Santiago Atitlán. Where you can appreciate different Guatemalan traditions (such as clothing, textiles and art galleries) and the most emblematic places of these towns. Visit to San Juan La Laguna (1 hour) Visit to San Pedro La Laguna (1 hour) Visit to Santiago Atitlán (1 1/2) Departure from Santiago Atitlán and return to Panajachel. Departure to Antigua. Accommodation in Antigua

  • Day 4: Return home

    At the agreed time; Transfer from your hotel in Antigua to the International Airport for the flight back home.


Not Included

General recommendations